Projekt Beschreibung
Life Balance


Yoga is a system of conscious movement, strengthening, stretching, balance, energizing, breathing and relaxation, which not only trains the outer body, especially the rough skeletal muscles, but also develops the body in the inner structures. In addition to the numerous physical benefits (hormonal, immune, lymphatic system, etc.) you will find many positive mental and spiritual effects.
Our goal is to offer a holistic system in addition to the physical training improving also relaxation and clarity as a balance for leisure, work, stamina, health, spiritual well being and a connection to creative ideas. Therefore, we also offer Personal Development, Health, Balance, Life, Business and Success Coaching. So you can create the basis for a successful, healthy and happy life on every level with the appropriate coach.
Strengthen musculature / endocrine system / organism
Life Balance / Flexibility / Relaxation
Personal Development
Our core competences

Our main focus is on personal training. In each team are experts in the field of athletic, functional training, weight reduction, health, life balance, yoga and pilates. With us you can bring both body and mind to a high level and thus a lot of energy and clarity in your life.
Depending on the location, it is possible to be supported directly or online in addition to the training with personal development coaching. In this way, you can realize your goals together with a more fitness / sports or yoga / life balance / personal development professionally oriented coach depending on the phase of your life and adapt goal settings.